Wednesday, June 17, 2015



Purpose: I wanted to know how to use the weight-equipment when I walked into a gym. What did I do? I found out how. The right way. SO CAN YOU! Don't be afraid to give weight-training a try. Consult a trainer or enroll in a course to learn proper technique. Remember, working-out doesn't need to be a 5-hour-a-day escapade...but you actually need to be working when you're at the gym. No excuses.

Start off using just the bar when you begin.  It will feel extremely heavy at first, and you may want to quit. 
----->Then, slowly begin to increase your weights, starting with 2.5 lbs. on each end, eventually increasing to 5 lbs. on each end, and then combining 2.5 lbs. +5 lbs. on each end after you work your way up. 
If you want to increase your weights from there, by all means, please do. These are the best increments for me to use when it comes to toning, and these are also the increments I deem to be the ideal sequence for someone who is new to weight-training.


JUMP to what exercise you would like to master (and learn the names of so many various muscles you're working)....

1. -The exercise to perform 
2.***How to perform the exercise*** 
3. ::The muscles you are using.:: 

***Gently place the bar behind your neck, resting on your shoulders. Adjust hands an even width apart.  Begin to lower to ground and back up again.***
::Gluteus Medias, Gluteus Maximus (Buttocks!) Hamstrings= Vastus Medialis/Lateralis/Intermedius, Calves = Gastrocnemius, Soleus, Quadriceps= Biceps Femoris, Adductors = Magnus, Longus, Brevis::

-Bench Press:
***Lay on the bench where you can still rest your head on the end of it.  Place hands an appropriate width apart. Squeeze your core, your abs. Lower the bar from your sternum (chest area) and back up again. Repeat. A spotter is recommended.***
::Scapula (Shoulder Blades) Deltoids (Shoulders), Latissimus Dorsi (Back)::

-Bicep Curl: 
***Use proper bicep-curl bar. Adjust weights on end until you feel comfortable. Standing, begin to raise the bar up towards your body, and lower back down again.***
::Brachialis, Brachioradialis (Forearms)::

-Tricep Dips: 
***Grasp bar where handles dip. Firmly rise and lower bar at a slow speed to generate more force.***
::The muscles are as the name of this exercise sounds. Triceps. (Other side of your bicep/below it, outer arm):: Grab a bench, and dip!

-Overhead Press: 
***Safely grasp the bar from chest level, standing, slowly raise the entire bar above your head and back to your chest again, slowly. Repeat.***
::Teres Minor/Teres Major (Back) Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius (V-Shape in back), Triceps Brachii, Deltoid::

***Depending on the age of the equipment, you may be pulling the bar behind your neck or in front of it. Keep a tall, firm back as your pull down on the bar. Do not arch your back.***
::Biceps, Forearms, Hip Flexors, Abdominals, (and a long list of your "back" muscles)::

-Hip Adduction/Abduction:  
***Simply push out (away from your midline) which is termed abduction, or push in (towards your midline) which is termed adduction. (Think, you are taking something away or you are giving something back.) Repeat exercise without stopping.*** 
::(Intricate names that sound alike!) Illiacus, Tensor Fasciae Latae, Psaos Major, Adductor Brevis/Longis (Upper Leg), Gracilis, Quadratus Femoris, and all those GLUTES!::

KEY: This is a WHOLE BODY exercise, and can be very dangerous if performed improperly. 
 ***Make sure the lift bar is all the way up to your shins before lifting. Begin in a seated-squat position with your chest and head out, 'eyes on the prize' (really, eyes on the ceiling). Slowly raise the bar as you reach standing position. Once reached, begin to lower the bar the same way you began to pick it up. This is essential. Do not attempt this without a spotter.***
::Vastus Lateralis, and ALL the muscles expressed in above exercises!::

-Free Weights/Planks/Push-Ups: 
***There are many varieties of free weight exercises. Modified Planks (resting on elbows) and Push-Ups (knees resting on ground) are acceptable upon reaching maximum and mastered performance. Then, proceed to full-on, non-modified planks and push-ups from there.

AGAIN***Make sure for all these exercises you are using proper form... If you aren't sure how to, please consult a trainer at your facility before performance.***

Favourite App: Hot5
-Exercises shown with the capability of being performed in just 5 minutes-

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Some of our muscles and what they look like. 
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Drop me a note! What is your weight-room routine?

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