Sunday, August 14, 2016

Eat Just "Simply"

Have you noticed the "Simply" brands marketing to us in grocery stores yet? Simply Lays, Simply Campbell's, Simply Hershey's Syrup? Well, according to an article in the Wall Street Journal, companies and brands all over the nation are cracking down on eliminating harsh ingredients from our food, therefore reducing the amount of ingredients listed on packaging labels.

Hershey's Syrup got rid of 6 artificial ingredients from their original syrup product, and it still has the same great taste for mixing it in indulgent smoothies or topping on ice cream.

Simply Lay's makes their potato chips with not a mix of canola, corn and/or cottonseed oil, but just pure sunflower oil.

Simply Campbell's also rid of the milk and soy in their soup! Did you know you were eating all that... in chicken noodle soup?

Have you ever noticed that gum is packaged in super bright and eye-catching packaging, and then even looks extremely artificial when you unwrap it after eating a healthy lunch? Try "Simply Gum". 3$ a pack. Non-Gmo. Kosher. Organic. Raw.

Even Haagen-Dazs reduced ingredients from 5 of their ice cream flavors. They actually first did this in the year 2009, but it didn't take off as much as it has now, in 2016. 

General Mills rid of certain oils from their cereals and now use coconut oil instead, making their products more marketable to a wider range of consumers. Maybe Kellogg cereals will rid of soybean oil one day, too? 

Tessemae's All Natural Dressings, Marinades and Spreads are  made organic, also promising a dairy, soy and gluten free indulgence! 

I've also had a lot of luck at Trader Joe's, finding many products that do not have soy lecithin, soybean oil or dairy. [Remember: Soy is not good for any of us! It is in everything.]


A lot of products are changing their ingredients, riding of soybeans and even milk proteins! The world of packaged products is changing, and we don't just need to venture to Whole Foods to find them! :)  Check your local Kroger and Meijer in their health food sections and ALWAYS read labels! 

Shop smart. Think "simply". Happy shopping!

Insta: @joggingwithjewelz 


Shout-Out to my fellow blogger and friend, Anthony Vogel! He passionately writes about improving oneself, living positively and always embracing progress and change. His latest article is about "uncovering your inner gold". Check out his blog!

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