Saturday, June 15, 2019

D|H, Daily Harvest

Back on the blog! Hard to believe I haven’t written one article since 2018… And I only wrote ONE article in 2018! However, today I’m going to blog about something I have been trying recently, which is daily harvest. 

Dragonfruit + Lychee Smoothie with Hemp Hearts, Flax, Beets, Peach and Strawberry 

Daily Harvest, D|H, is a food subscription service- you have to order it online. You cannot buy it in stores, but let me tell you ... it is awesome.

Daily Harvest isn’t a meal plan, but you could make it one of your own if you wanted to. They offer a variety of different products… Smoothies , Harvest Bowls , Chia Bowls , Oat Bowls and Soups! ALL made from WHOLEFOODS and jam-packed with phytonutrients! Just LOOK at these simple and pure ingredients. 

Avocado + Cacao Smoothie

Every cup is designed so you are able to take it on-the-go. Think work lunch, a quick dinner, or an easy snack. 
(I love the cauliflower + leek soup!)

Strawberry Vanilla Bean Smoothie with Sweet Potato + Almond Butter + Sacha Inchi (seed with all 9 essential amino acids) + Cherry 

You can sign up to receive 6, 9, 12 or 24 different products per week or per month. You are able to hand pick and choose the products that you would like to try, or you can have them custom create and pack you a box of random choices. You can also order a box of only the top sellers. D|H also has Keto and Paleo options.

Broccoli + "Cheez" (Nutritional Yeast + Sweet Potato) Sunflower Seed + Bell Pepper

The nutritious cups are delivered to your doorstep with dry ice to keep all of the food fresh and frozen as it’s being delivered to your fingertips. 

Mulberry + Dragonfruit Overnight Oats

For me, the serving size is perfect. I love the ease of grabbing clean food on the run!

I totally encourage you to try D|H. Drop a note, would love to hear your thoughts.

Thanks for jogging with me! 
Xx, JoggingwithJewelz 
@JoggingwithJewelz on IG

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