Wednesday, June 17, 2015

---->Benefits of Taking a Good Jog (with Jewelz!) <----

---->Benefits of Taking a Good Jog (with Jewelz!) <----
"Jog with me!"
The benefits to taking a good jog are amongst many; it aids in strengthening skeletal muscular bones (musculoskeletal system) and boosts cardiovascular health. 

Listen to this:

Benefits via CNS - Central Nervous System 

 The human heart pumps 5L of blood per day! 

 The left side of your heart is slightly bigger than the right side because it delivers blood to the entire body!

 When you engage in rigorous physical activity, your heart has to work harder to supply oxygenated blood to the blood vessels, tissues and skin in the areas you are working. 

 Autorhythmicity is the ability of the heart to generate signals that generate the hearts rhythm. It's a pretty strong muscle.

 Sympathetic Activity: is amongst performing a physical activity. It encompasses increased impulses to the brain. (Like biking, kickboxing or "Jogging with Jewelz")

 Parasympathetic Activity: We all require it! This is our body taking a break, resting or eating. We experience a reduction in heart rate.

 Hypertension: High BP (We don't want this if we can avoid it!)

 Hypotension: Low BP (We don't want this if we can avoid it!)

 Our bodies just want to maintain HOMEOSTASIS! This means everything in our body must be at the proper levels to fully function at it's best ability. You can do everything in your power to improve or create a healthy body and a healthy mind.

❤Strengthen Those Bones!

 Avoid developing conditions such as Osteoporosis by including a healthy source of Calcium in your diet, as well as Vitamin D. In order to receive the benefits of Calcium, Vitamin D must be absorbed to do its job in the body. If Calcitriol is not produced in your body, your body then will start taking Calcium from its very bones, and this can lead to conditions such as the degradation of the human skeleton. Vitamin supplements are encouraged, as well as eating lean proteins and greens! Visit the Nutritional Vitamins/Minerals link in my blog to find out more on the topic of Vitamins/Minerals in depth.

❤ Performing at least 45 minutes of physical activity a day is essential for every human being. Although we can build strong bones through resistance exercise - aided by overall well-being - give your joints a break by taking a swim at the gym. As you work-out different areas of your body, you are putting more strain onto the area of the body you are focusing on. Although you are strengthening your bones in the desired area of choice, sometimes your body just needs a break from strenuous exercise. Try and shoot for a minimum of 40 laps (back and forth) in the pool. If you try it, you may become slightly winded, but at least you'll know you're making progress with your work-out regimen. Alternating between Breast-Stoke, Butterfly and Back-Stroke is a good start. Non-leisure swimming is what I presume to be one of the most beneficial exercises anyone can do to overall better their bodies without overworking their joints, leading to possible overuse or injury. Grab your goggles and go for it. Every limb on your body will thank-you.

❤Heart Healthy Thought: The more you move, the more you'll improve. From my experiences, the healthier the individual, the faster the recovery, should a threat to your health occur. 

❤ So, now that you've learned many ways to increase your physical stamina, what are you waiting for? At the very least... JOG WITH ME!

 [@JoggingwithJewelz on IG]

Photo Credit to


  1. very good article!!!!! Not only does it list the positive side effects of running!!!! It ends with a great call to action!!! Very informative! way to go!!!

    1. Thank you very much!! I hope to continue to inspire, and educate!
